Mass Times
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM
Daily Mass (Mon- Fri) - 8:45 AM
Holy Days: As listed in the bulletin
Reconciliation/Confession Schedule -
Saturday: 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Office Hours
Saturday: Closed
Phone: 440-884-2319
- Rev. Mark Peyton, Pastor
- Lynn Seibert, Office Staff
- Jeanne Weber, Office Staff
Order your SFDS Fish Fry T-Shirt Now!
Fish Fry season is almost here! Time to gear-up and order your Fish Fry T-shirt. These are the same great shirts you see our volunteers wearing during the Fish Fry's. If yours is getting a little worn or if you have never had one, be sure to download the order form below and place your order no later than February 9th!
Monthly Calendar View
Click HERE for monthly calendars.
Parish Mission Statement
St. Francis de Sales Parish (Parma, Ohio) was founded in July 1931, in the midst of the Great Depression. As a Catholic Church community, in keeping with our Baptismal calling, we strive to live the message and model of service of the Lord Jesus. We are committed to being faithful stewards of God’s gifts to us, living the sacramental life of the Church, serving the poor and the needy and providing faith formation for all generations We seek to continue to be a parish community welcoming all, a parish community helping people to grow in faith and a parish community reflecting the love of Christ. (March 2015)